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Meet the Arce's

Church Planters in Venezuela



1. Win Souls

2. Disciple new converts

3. Train national leadership

4. Start churches that are: Strong in the Word of God, Aggressive in winning souls and Dynamic in their Christian fellowship.


Our prayer is that God would team us up with churches who are concerned with church planting, and whose eyes are open to the urgency of the hour in which we live.

"...Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel..."

Mark 16:15


Nathan's Testimony

God allowed me to grow up on the mission field of Venezuela. Now he has called me and given me the great privilege of going back as a missionary. After receiving Christ at the age of 13, I was able to serve in many ways under my father’s ministry. I wanted to know what God’s plan was for my life! I am glad he has called me to go back to Venezuela, and I am exited to see what he will do though me.


Marllorys' Testimony

In 1995 I was invited to a youth activity at the “Iglesia Bautista La Santa Biblia”. There, for the first time, I heard a clear presentation of the gospel. The sermon that night was about the Good Shepherd and His sheep. I realized my tremendous need for this Shepherd and soon accepted Him as my Savior. The Lord provided me with many opportunities to serve Him. God brought Nathan and me together in Venezuela, and I praise God for allowing me to return and serve Him there.

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