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The Open Door Baptist Church

Sanare - Venezuela



      We arrived in May of 2007 to Venezuela, not knowing where God wanted us to work. Miguel is one of the men God used to lead me to Sanare. When Miguel received Christ as his personal Savior at my dad’s church, I Had the honer to disciple him. He and his wife had family that live there. Little did I know that they had been praying that someone would go there to start a church. When we arrived he invited us to go and preach and help start a Bible study up in Sanare. Since then God has given us many opportunities to preach to the people of Sanare.  


Nine months passed as we searched for a house and vehicle to use in the ministry, and God opened doors and gave us a house with a patio that is large enough for us to use as a church.  


People: God has brought the people to the church one by one; it has been amazing to watch them come and grow. Discipleship was a challenge at first, because everybody needed to be discipled, but praise God for that kind of problem.


Watching them grow, taking steps like baptism and witnessing, is a privilege. We have had several families come and receive the Lord as their personal Savior at the same time. The church began to grow quickly from 5 members at our first meeting to around 70 - 80 members coming faithfully.


Julio Reina

Is my brother in Law, he started coming as a young man to our church and began to get involved, He is one of those men God has brought and we have seen grow and surrender his life for full time service. In 2018 the Church ordained him as our first National Pastor, and in 2020 he took over as head Pastor of the Open door Baptist church in Sanare Venezuela.



Missionary/Church Planter 

Nathan Arce



Julio Reina

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